Saturday, November 13, 2010

Everything is Grey ( It's all about perception.)

Everything is grey (It’s all about Perception)

Gustave Flaubert, a French writer once said “There is no truth, there is only perception.” I certainly agree with his point of view. There is no absolute truth in this world. Everything is relative, whether a “Glass is half filled or half empty” depends upon the perceiver. Things exist the way they are, they don’t have any meaning, it’s us who form opinions and meaning.
            It is said that “Man is a meaning making machine”, we tend to define everything, but this definition defers from person to person, which ultimately is decided by our perception. We can define perception as the phenomenon of organizing, processing and interpreting the stimuli reaching our senses. It is the way we process the stimuli that determines our perception, which may be substantially different from objective reality.
            A girl may look beautiful to one person whereas she may be ugly for other person. It is because both guys are affected by various factors like, their social or cultural settings, their attitudes, motives, interests, experiences and expectations, resulting in contradicting conclusions.
            In the same way things may occur in an organization. The solution to a problem affecting the organization comes, many a time from consultants who are outsiders. The reason behind consultant’s success can be attributed to their organized and systematic approach to problem solving. They examine all possible solutions and suggest the best one to client. The same solution might have been considered by the client’s own people but might have been rejected because of their attitude and preconceived notions.
            So, to sum up we can say that “Everything is grey” whether it is light or dark is just the perception of perceiver. It is the perception and approach which make all the difference.